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Downloadable Materials

How Exercise Can Help
Tiredness and weakness is being recognised as one of the most common side effects from cancer treatment and it is encouraging that taking regular exercise during treatment and after can help to combat it.Download

Walking Meditation Audio
Edward Reid has been kind enough to record this for us. We recommend you put your headphones on and go for a walk whilst listening to this one.Download

What exactly is anxiety and how do we manage it? Our aim is to teach you a variety of techniques to help you to cope with it’s (very unpleasant) symptoms.Download

Love the Skin You are in
The skin is the largest organ in the body and, as such, is vulnerable to damage as a result of cancer treatments.Download

Imagery and Mindfulness
Allow yourself to switch from the usual mode of attaching thoughts and emotions to the happenings in our everyday life and focus simply focus on just being.Download

Using the breath is the most efficient way to calm ourselves and to bring mindfulness into our everyday lives, techniques can be used with all ages and abilities.Download

Quick Coherence
Leveraging emotions: - Connecting to the heart - Balanced breathing pattern - Activating a “safe & social” emotionDownload

Heart Focused Breathing
The first step to heart coherence: - Connecting to the heart - Balanced breathing patternDownload