I hope this finds you well and that you are managing to enjoy this beautiful weather and slight relaxation in the Lock Down rules.
When Lock Down was announced back in March, like everyone, we were caught unawares. It quickly became clear that all of our planned ‘7 Steps to Health’ courses had to be cancelled. Further we had much concern that the future of our programme was uncertain given how long those on their cancer journey would need to shield and be unable to attend our residential courses. After looking at all of our options we have developed a way of taking everything online until we are able to meet face to face again.
7 Steps to Health

Rainbow Valley has researched and developed a unique programme which is delivered by accredited professionals and has been delivered to hundreds of people over the last 5 years.
The 7 Steps to Health Course helps those living with cancer to manage all aspects of their life throughout cancer and beyond treatment. We merge the very best of science and spirituality to empower individuals to take control of their health. Usually this is delivered as a 2-day residential course. However, with shielding affecting our attendees for many months to come we want to ensure that those living with cancer and often alone at home can still access a sense of community and wellness.
Moving Online
We have developed an online course which treats each person individually at a fundamental and profound level with the aim of establishing a healthy, balanced underlying state, enabling the body’s own healing mechanisms to operate at optimum level and restore health and control. All steps are interlinked, influencing many structures within the body eg musculoskeletal, nervous, cardio-vascular, energy & immune systems, organs, connective tissues & fluids, providing benefits on many different levels to enhance health, strength, and vitality. Our courses provide people affected by cancer with the tools to undertake a programme of self-management by exploring goal setting, action plans, stress management and self-monitoring.
Maintaining a sense of Wellness & Community
We look forward to the day when we can resume our two day residential courses which are free for those living with cancer to attend. Until then, and vitally important at this time, we want to ensure that those who need our support the most do not get left behind and believe that a sense of community and wellness can still be achieved with our one day online retreats.
Those at any stage on their cancer journey will be welcome to join these new virtual courses. Priority will be given to those who were already booked onto course that have been cancelled due to the lock down. Previous participants are also invited to apply to attend and refresh all that they experienced first time around.
How Can You Help?
We have set up a Crowd Funding Campaign with the aim of raising £5,500 during the month of June. This will enable us to run four one day courses allowing up to 100 people on their cancer journey to join us.
If we reach this target, we plan to stretch it to £10,000 which will also allow two online day long Mindfulness and Nutrition courses to take place as a follow on to the initial course. This will mean another 100 places on Rainbow Valley Online Courses will become available. If we manage to reach our target, we anticipate these courses will take place in September
As with any Crowd Funding Campaign we had to establish some ‘Rewards’ and so by supporting us we are also offering the opportunity to receive news about how the courses went,

attend an abbreviated ‘7 Steps to Health’ course which we will open to the general public for the first time ever or even gift the course to your team or family in a bespoke online full day course for up to 20 people. More information on these is on the donation page
Rainbow Valley Crowd Funder
We are so grateful for any support you can give to our Crowd Funder – please donate, if you can, and share with your friends, family & work colleagues. Many thanks for all of the support you have given to Rainbow Valley – we look forward to a time when we are all on the other side of this and can see you again at our courses and events.
Special Online Facebook Event

As a thank you to everyone for your support friend of Rainbow Valley Edward Reid will be performing a special event for us LIVE on the Rainbow Valley Facebook Page on Sunday 7th June at 2pm. As well as entertaining us at the Rainbow Valley Events Edward is also our Mindfulness Teacher so he perfectly understands the impact Rainbow Valley has on those living with cancer. Edward will officially launch our Crowd Funding Campaign on Sunday – so if you have friends and family who would like to know more and have a great afternoon of entertainment please get them to join us then

We look forward to having some ‘virtual’ fun with you all on Sunday! Click the facebook image to visit our facebook page now.